State Growth TasmaniaCommunity profile
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Housing rental payments

In Tasmania, 13.4% of renting households were paying $450 or more per week in rent in 2021.

Rental payments can be a better measure of the cost of housing in Tasmania than mortgage repayments because they are not contingent on length of occupancy or equity in the dwelling.

High rental payments may indicate desirable areas with mobile populations who prefer to rent, or a housing shortage, or gentrification. Low rental payments may indicate public housing (check Tenure Type), or areas where low income households move by necessity for a lower cost of living.

Rental payments are not directly comparable over time because of inflation. For comparison of rental payments over time, go to Housing Rental Quartiles.

Further reading: How can Councils influence affordable housing.

Derived from the Census questions:

'How much does your household pay for this dwelling?' and 'Is this dwelling (owned outright, owned with a mortgage etc.)'

Households renting their dwelling

Weekly housing rental payments
Tasmania - Households (Enumerated)2021
Weekly rental amountNumber%Greater Hobart %
Less than $1001,5112.61.8
Not stated2,3964.13.4

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2021. Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions).

Weekly housing rental payments, 2021
Weekly housing rental payments, 2021 $850+, Greater Hobart: 0.8% $750-$849, Greater Hobart: 0.8% $650-$749, Greater Hobart: 2.0% $550-$649, Greater Hobart: 5.6% $500-$549, Greater Hobart: 5.2% $450-$499, Greater Hobart: 9.1% $400-$449, Greater Hobart: 12.0% $350-$399, Greater Hobart: 15.0% $300-$349, Greater Hobart: 12.7% $250-$299, Greater Hobart: 9.3% $200-$249, Greater Hobart: 7.7% $150-$199, Greater Hobart: 7.4% $100-$149, Greater Hobart: 7.4% Less than $100, Greater Hobart: 1.8% $850+, Tasmania: 0.6% $750-$849, Tasmania: 0.4% $650-$749, Tasmania: 1.0% $550-$649, Tasmania: 3.0% $500-$549, Tasmania: 2.9% $450-$499, Tasmania: 5.4% $400-$449, Tasmania: 7.8% $350-$399, Tasmania: 11.8% $300-$349, Tasmania: 14.0% $250-$299, Tasmania: 14.9% $200-$249, Tasmania: 13.1% $150-$199, Tasmania: 10.1% $100-$149, Tasmania: 8.2% Less than $100, Tasmania: 2.6%
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing, 2021 (Enumerated data)
Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions).

Dominant groups

Analysis of the weekly housing rental payments of households in Tasmania compared to Greater Hobart shows that there was a smaller proportion of households paying high rental payments ($450 per week or more), and a larger proportion of households with low rental payments (less than $250 per week).

Overall, 13.4% of households were paying high rental payments, and 34.0% were paying low payments, compared with 23.4% and 24.3% respectively in Greater Hobart.

The major differences between the housing rental payments of Tasmania and Greater Hobart were:

  • A larger percentage of $250-$299 (14.9% compared to 9.3%)
  • A larger percentage of $200-$249 (13.1% compared to 7.7%)
  • A smaller percentage of $400-$449 (7.8% compared to 12.0%)
  • A smaller percentage of $450-$499 (5.4% compared to 9.1%)