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Tweed Shire CouncilCommunity profile

South Coast - Pottsville

Method of travel to work

On Census day 2021 in South Coast - Pottsville, 63.9% of people travelled to work in a private car, 0.4% took public transport and 2.8% rode a bike or walked. 17.0% worked at home.

South Coast - Pottsville's commuting statistics reveal the main modes of transport by which residents get to work. There are a number of reasons why people use different modes of transport to get to work including the availability of affordable and effective public transport options, the number of motor vehicles available within a household, and the distance travelled to work.

Commuting data is very useful in transport planning as it informs decision-makers about the availability, effectiveness and utilisation of local transport options, particularly when analysed with Residents Place of Work data and Car Ownership.

WARNING: Method of travel to work relates to Census day, which for the 2021 Census occurred during COVID-19 lockdowns for large parts of Australia. In lockdown, many occupations were required to work from home if possible, and some industries were closed, so people did not go to work. For this reason, these categories may have increased, with corresponding declines in other methods of travel. Use the data with caution when comparing over time. For more details, please refer to the data notes.


Derived from the Census question:

'How did the person get to work on Tuesday, 10 August 2021?'

Method of travel to work
South Coast - Pottsville - Employed persons (Usual residence)20212016Change
Main method of travelNumber%Tweed Shire %Number%Tweed Shire %2016 to 2021
Car - as driver2,13360.962.22,20970.068.6-77
Car - as passenger1063.04.01153.74.5-10
Walked only712.02.6712.32.8-1
Worked at home59617.014.52538.06.6+342
Did not go to work44512.712.132710.410.7+117
Not stated190.50.7290.91.3-10
Total employed persons aged 15+3,505100.0100.03,158100.0100.0+346
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

In 2021, there were 14 people who caught public transport to work (train, bus, tram or ferry) in South Coast - Pottsville, compared with 2,292 who drove in private vehicles (car – as driver, car – as passenger, motorbike, or truck).

Analysis of the method of travel to work of the residents in South Coast - Pottsville in 2021, compared to Tweed Shire, shows that 0.4% used public transport, while 63.9% used a private vehicle, compared with 0.7% and 66.2% respectively in Tweed Shire.

The major differences in persons between the method of travel to work of South Coast - Pottsville and Tweed Shire were:

  • A larger percentage of persons who worked at home (17.0% compared to 14.5%)
  • A smaller percentage of persons who travelled by car (as driver) (60.9% compared to 62.2%)

Emerging groups

The number of employed people in South Coast - Pottsville increased by 347 between 2016 and 2021.

The largest changes in the method of travel to work by resident population in South Coast - Pottsville between 2016 and 2021 were for those nominated:

  • Worked at home (+342 persons)
  • Did not go to work (+117 persons)
  • Car - as driver (-77 persons)

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