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City of NewcastleCommunity profile


Proficiency in English

In Hamilton in 2021, 52 females who spoke a language other than English at home reported difficulty speaking English.

Proficiency in English measures the self-assessed proficiency in spoken English of people who speak a language other than English at home. The data, when viewed with other ethnic and cultural indicators, such as Ancestry, Country of Birth, Language Spoken at Home and Religion, reflects Hamilton's ethnic composition and how long the overseas born have been in Australia. This helps service providers determine whether they need to communicate with the local population in languages other than English.


Derived from the Census question:

'How well does the person speak English?'

Proficiency in English
Hamilton - Total females (Usual residence)20212016Change
English proficiencyNumber%Adamstown Heights %Number%Adamstown Heights %2016 to 2021
Speaks English only2,05684.788.81,80682.289.9+250
Speaks English well or very well2209.18.21908.66.8+30
Speaks English not well or not at all522.11.1653.01.3-13
Not stated1004.12.01376.22.0-37
Total population2,428100.0100.02,198100.0100.0+230
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the proficiency in English data of the female population in Hamilton in 2021 compared to Adamstown Heights shows that there was a lower proportion of females who spoke English only, and a higher proportion of females who spoke another language and English not well or not at all.

Overall, 84.7% of females spoke English only, and 2.1% spoke another language and English not well or not at all, compared with 88.8% and 1.1% respectively for Adamstown Heights.

Emerging groups

The most significant change in the proficiency in English of the female population in this area between 2016 and 2021 was in those speaking:

  • Speaks English only (+250 females)

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