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City of MeltonCommunity profile

Toolern Vale

Industry sector of employment

More Toolern Vale male residents worked in construction than any other industry in 2021.

Toolern Vale's industry statistics identify the industry sectors in which the residents work (which may be within the residing area or elsewhere). This will be influenced by the skill base and socio-economic status of the residents as well as the industries and employment opportunities present in the region.

When viewed in conjunction with Residents Place of Work data and Method of Travel to Work, industry sector statistics provide insights into the relationship between the economic and residential role of the area.


Derived from the two Census questions:

'What best describes the business of your employer?' and 'What are the main goods produced or main services provided by your employers business?'

Industry sector of employment
Toolern Vale - Employed males (Usual residence)20212006Change
Industry sectorNumber%Fraser Rise %Number%Fraser Rise %2006 to 2021
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing167.80.2105.9--+6
Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services31.51.753.18.3-2
Wholesale trade62.93.953.48.30
Retail Trade94.47.0126.96.3-3
Accommodation and Food Services0--5.053.1---5
Transport, Postal and Warehousing2210.714.4169.218.8+6
Information Media and Telecommunications0--1.80----0
Financial and Insurance Services0--5.011.0---2
Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services31.51.111.0--+1
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services62.95.942.86.3+1
Administrative and Support Services83.92.374.5--0
Public Administration and Safety125.84.563.88.3+5
Education and Training31.53.453.1---2
Health Care and Social Assistance104.95.510.7--+9
Arts and Recreation Services31.
Other Services83.93.853.1--+3
Inadequately described or not stated167.85.153.4--+10
Total employed persons aged 15+206100.0100.0174100.0100.0+31
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2006 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

An analysis of the jobs held by the male resident population in Toolern Vale in 2021 shows the three most popular industry sectors were:

  • Construction (57 males or 27.7%)
  • Manufacturing (24 males or 11.7%)
  • Transport, Postal and Warehousing (22 males or 10.7%)

In combination, these three industries employed 103 males in total or 50.0% of the total employed male resident population.

In comparison, Fraser Rise employed 19.2% in Construction; 8.6% in Manufacturing; and 14.4% in Transport, Postal and Warehousing.

The major differences between the jobs held by the male population of Toolern Vale and Fraser Rise were:

  • A larger percentage of males employed in construction (27.7% compared to 19.2%)
  • A larger percentage of males employed in agriculture, forestry and fishing (7.8% compared to 0.2%)
  • A smaller percentage of males employed in financial and insurance services (0.0% compared to 5.0%)
  • A smaller percentage of males employed in accommodation and food services (0.0% compared to 5.0%)

Emerging groups

The number of employed males in Toolern Vale increased by 32 between 2006 and 2021.

There were no major differences in Toolern Vale between 2006 and 2021.

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