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Liverpool City CouncilCommunity profile

Wattle Grove

Individual income quartiles

In Wattle Grove, the 'highest' income quartile was the largest group in 2021, comprising 30% of people aged 15 and over.

Wattle Grove's income statistics are an indicator of socio-economic status. With other data sources, such as Household Income, Qualifications and Occupation, they help tell the story of the area's economic opportunities and socio-economic status. Individual income levels are not comparable over time because of the influences of economic change such as wage level fluctuations and inflation. The income quartile method is the most objective method of comparing change in the income profile of a community over time.

A detailed explanation of how Individual Income quartiles are calculated and interpreted is available in specific data notes.


Derived from the Census question:

'What is the total of all wages/salaries, government benefits, pensions, allowances and other income the person usually receives?'

Individual income quartiles
Wattle Grove - Persons aged 15+ (Usual residence)20212016Change
Quartile groupNumber%Green Valley %Number%Green Valley %2016 to 2021
Lowest group1,49822.735.81,61524.734.0-116
Medium lowest1,29319.526.41,10516.923.9+188
Medium highest1,81427.425.21,66925.527.4+145
Highest group2,01030.412.62,14532.814.6-135
Total persons aged 15+6,617100.0100.06,535100.0100.0+81
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information
Individual income - Quartile group dollar ranges
Calculated from income data for New South Wales - Total persons aged 15+Weekly income by Census year
Individual quartile ranges20212016201120062001
Lowest group$0 to $384$0 to $324$0 to $266$0 to $207$0 to $183
Medium lowest$385 to $813$325 to $663$267 to $560$208 to $460$184 to $386
Medium highest$814 to $1,520$664 to $1,244$561 to $1,093$461 to $895$387 to $719
Highest group$1,521 and over$1,245 and over$1,094 and over$896 and over$720 and over

Dominant groups

Income quartiles allow us to compare relative income-earning capabilities across time. Analysis of the distribution of the population by income quartile in Wattle Grove compared to Green Valley shows that there was greater proportion of persons in the highest income quartile and a lesser proportion in the lowest income quartile.

Emerging groups

The most significant change in Wattle Grove in persons between 2016 and 2021 was in the medium lowest quartile which showed an increase of 188 persons.

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