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Central Coast NSWCommunity profile

East Brisbane Water District

Internet connection


In 2016, 1,680 households in the East Brisbane Water District (14.3%) did not not have an internet connection at the dwelling.

Please note: For the 2021 Census, the ABS dropped the question regarding household internet connection. This page shows data for the 2016 and previous Censuses only.

An internet connection is now an important utility for most households in Australia. It is increasingly required for accessing essential information and taking part in the digital economy. Australia-wide in 2016, nearly 80% of all households had internet access. However, this decreases with age – seniors are less likely to have internet access at home. The lack of internet access is likely to indicate a level of disadvantage and could be related to socio-economic factors, age, or geographical isolation.

Internet connectivity in the East Brisbane Water District should be looked at in conjunction with Household Type and Age Structure, as well as Education Levels.


Derived from the Census question:

'Does any member of this household access the internet from this dwelling'

Type of internet connection
East Brisbane Water District - Households20162006Change
Connection typeNumber%Gosford City %Number%Gosford City %2006 to 2016
Internet connection9,47880.478.76,56258.957.1+2,915
No internet connection1,68014.314.73,90635.134.8-2,227
Not stated6275.36.66636.08.0-37
Total households11,785100.0100.011,133100.0100.0+652
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2006 and 2016. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the type of internet connection of households in the East Brisbane Water District compared to Gosford City shows that there was a higher proportion of households with an internet connection

Overall 80.4% of households had an internet connection, compared with 78.7% in Gosford City.

Emerging groups

Between 2006 and 2016 the number of households with an internet connection increased by 2,916.

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