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Central Coast NSWCommunity profile

Narara Valley and Ourimbah

Number of bedrooms per dwelling


Dwellings with 3 bedrooms were the most common in Narara Valley and Ourimbah in 2021.

The Number of Bedrooms in a dwelling is an indicator of the size of dwellings, and when combined with Dwelling Type information, provides insight into the role Narara Valley and Ourimbah plays in the housing market. For example, an area of high density dwellings that are predominantly 1-2 bedroom are likely to attract students, single workers and young couples, whereas a high density area with dwellings that are predominantly 2-3 bedroom may attract more empty nesters and some families.

In combination with Household Type and Household Size, the Number of Bedrooms can also indicate issues around housing affordability, overcrowding and other socio-economic factors.


Derived from the Census question:

'How many bedrooms are there in this dwelling?'

Number of bedrooms per dwelling
Narara Valley and Ourimbah - Households (Enumerated)20211991Change
Number of bedroomsNumber%Lake Munmorah - Chain Valley Bay %Number%Lake Munmorah - Chain Valley Bay %1991 to 2021
0 or 1 bedrooms4213.23.13243.76.7+97
2 bedrooms1,71912.927.31,06312.127.2+655
3 bedrooms5,59742.039.95,13558.447.6+462
4 bedrooms3,81928.719.31,79520.411.7+2,023
5 bedrooms or more1,2169.15.12322.71.4+983
Not stated5464.15.32372.75.4+309
Total households13,318100.0100.08,789100.0100.0+4,529
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 1991 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the number of bedrooms in dwellings in Narara Valley and Ourimbah in 2021 compared to Lake Munmorah - Chain Valley Bay shows that there was a lower proportion of dwellings with 2 bedrooms or less, and a higher proportion of dwellings with 4 or more bedrooms.

Overall, 16.1% of households were in dwellings with 2 bedrooms or less, and 37.8% of 4 or more bedroom dwellings, compared with 30.4% and 24.4% for Lake Munmorah - Chain Valley Bay respectively.

The major differences between the number of bedrooms per dwelling of Narara Valley and Ourimbah and Lake Munmorah - Chain Valley Bay were:

  • A larger percentage of 4 bedroom dwellings (28.7% compared to 19.3%)
  • A larger percentage of 5 or more bedroom dwellings (9.1% compared to 5.1%)
  • A larger percentage of 3 bedroom dwellings (42.0% compared to 39.9%)
  • A smaller percentage of 2 bedroom dwellings (12.9% compared to 27.3%)

Emerging groups

The largest changes in the number of bedrooms per dwelling in Narara Valley and Ourimbah between 1991 and 2021 were:

  • 4 bedrooms (+2,023 dwellings)
  • 5 bedrooms or more (+983 dwellings)
  • 2 bedrooms (+655 dwellings)
  • 3 bedrooms (+462 dwellings)

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