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City of CaseyCommunity profile


Households with children


There are 747 couples with young children in Lynbrook in 2021, comprising 29.7% of households.

Households with Children require different services and facilities than other household types, and their needs change as both adults and children age. When many families in an area are at the same stage in their individual lifecycles, it creates a suburb lifecycle. Knowing where a suburb is in a cycle of change helps planners make evidence-based decisions about the demand for services both now and in the future.

For Households with Children in Lynbrook, life stage is based on the age of children in the household. The age of the parent(s) is not taken into account.

  • Young children: Children aged under 15 only
  • Mixed age children: One or more children under 15 and one or more children over 15 (must have 2 or more children)
  • Older children: Children aged 15 and over only

To continue building the story, Lynbrook's Household data should be viewed in conjunction with Household Size, Age Structure and Dwelling Type.


Derived from the Census question:

'What is the person's relationship (to each other person in the household)?'

Households with children by life stage
Lynbrook - Households (Enumerated)20212006Change
Households with childrenNumber%Cranbourne North %Number%Cranbourne North %2006 to 2021
Couples with children1,46458.349.875053.041.1+714
Couples with young children74729.729.348834.523.0+258
Couples with mixed-age children2419.68.61087.67.7+133
Couples with older children47619.011.915310.810.4+323
Single parents with children27410.913.21178.316.2+156
Single parents with young children963.85.2483.47.7+48
Single parents with mixed-age children331.31.9201.43.1+13
Single parents with older children1455.86.1493.55.4+96
Total households with children1,73869.263.186861.357.3+870
Total households2,511100.0100.01,416100.0100.0+1,094
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2006 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the families with children in Lynbrook in 2021 compared to Cranbourne North shows that there was a similar proportion of couples with young children, and a larger proportion of couples with older children.

Overall, 29.7% of total households with children were couple with young children, and 19.0% were couples with older children, compared with 29.3% and 11.9% respectively for Cranbourne North.

There were a smaller proportion of single parent households with young children and a similar proportion of single parent households with older children. Overall, the proportion of single parent households with young children was 3.8% compared to 5.2% in Cranbourne North while the proportion of single parent households with older children was 5.8% compared to 6.1% in Cranbourne North.

Emerging groups

Between 2006 and 2021, the number of households with children increased by 870 households or 100.2%.

The largest changes in households with children in this area between 2006 and 2021 were:

  • Couples with older children (+323 households)
  • Couples with young children (+258 households)
  • Couples with mixed-age children (+133 households)
  • Single parents with older children (+96 households)

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