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Notes - overseas visitors and table totals

Overseas visitors

Enumerated data from the 2021, 2016, 2011 and 2006 Censuses are published by the ABS with ‘Overseas visitors’ appearing as a separate category in many tables. To improve usability of the information the category ‘Overseas visitors’ has been removed from all place of enumeration based tables. Usual residence tables by definition already have overseas visitors removed.

Note that in the 2021 Census, overseas visitor numbers are much lower in most areas due to border closures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Table totals and rounding

Table totals may not equate with other similar tables due to randomisation of small numbers and percentages may not total to 100 due to rounding of decimal places and rounding of the SA1 level geographic splits. All discrepancies are minimal and are statistically insignificant.
