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Housing rental quartiles

In Tasmania, the 'lowest group' was the largest quartile, comprising 46% of renting households in 2021.

Rental payments in Tasmania are indicative of its residential role and function and are directly related to the value of residential property. When viewed with Household Income data they may also indicate the level of 'housing stress' in the community.

The quartile method is the most objective method of comparing change in the rental costs of a community over time.

A detailed explanation of how Housing Rental Payment quartiles are calculated and interpreted is available in specific data notes.

Derived from the Census questions:

'How much does your household pay for this dwelling?' and 'Is this dwelling (owned outright, owned with a mortgage etc.)'

Households renting their dwelling

Housing rental quartiles
Tasmania - Households (Enumerated)20212016Change
Quartile groupNumber%New South Wales %Number%New South Wales %2016 to 2021
Lowest group25,93145.820.327,39253.622.3-1,462
Medium lowest15,50427.417.516,50732.317.2-1,002
Medium highest9,61117.023.95,24010.322.4+4,371
Highest group5,5929.938.21,9573.838.1+3,635

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).

Housing rental - Quartile group dollar ranges
Calculated from rental payment data for [theQBMQuartile] Weekly housing rental payments by Census year
Rental payment ranges
Lowest group $0 to $282 $0 to $248 $0 to $197 $0 to $138 $0 to $104
Medium lowest $283 to $380 $249 to $345 $198 to $296 $139 to $200 $105 to $154
Medium highest $381 to $485 $346 to $446 $297 to $386 $201 to $269 $155 to $210
Highest group $486 and over $447 and over $387 and over $270 and over $211 and over

Housing rental quartiles for 2021
Housing rental quartiles for 2021 Highest group, New South Wales: 38.2% Medium highest, New South Wales: 23.9% Medium lowest, New South Wales: 17.5% Lowest group, New South Wales: 20.3% Highest group, Tasmania: 9.9% Medium highest, Tasmania: 17.0% Medium lowest, Tasmania: 27.4% Lowest group, Tasmania: 45.8%
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing, 2021 (Enumerated data)
Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions).
Change in housing rental quartiles, 2016 to 2021
Change in housing rental quartiles, 2016 to 2021 Highest group, Tasmania: +3,635 Medium highest, Tasmania: +4,371 Medium lowest, Tasmania: -1,002 Lowest group, Tasmania: -1,462
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing, 2016 and 2021 (Enumerated data)
Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions).

Dominant groups

Rental payment quartiles allow us to compare relative rental liabilities across time. Analysis of the distribution of households by rental payment quartiles in Tasmania compared to New South Wales shows that there was a smaller proportion of households in the highest payment quartile, and a larger proportion in the lowest payment quartile.

Emerging groups

The total number of households renting their dwelling in Tasmania increased by 5,541 between 2016 and 2021. The most significant change during this period was in the medium highest quartile which showed an increase of 4,371 households.
