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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander profile - Household size

16% of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households contain only one person, compared with 15% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population households in New South Wales.

The size of households in general follows the life-cycle of families. Households are usually small at the stage of relationship formation (early marriage), and then increase in size with the advent of children. They later reduce in size again as these children reach adulthood and leave home.

Household size can also be influenced by a lack (or abundance) of affordable housing. First Nations persons often have a tradition of living with extended family members which significantly affects household size, and households can include multiple families.

Please note that this table counts First Nations households (households containing at least one Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander usual resident) by the number of persons resident. The number of persons resident can include both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as well as other people - it represents the total number of people in the household.

For greater insight, First Nations household size data should be viewed in conjunction with Household Type, Age Structure and Household Income .

Derived from the three Census questions:

'Name of each person including visitors who spent the night of Tuesday, 10 August 2021 in this dwelling', and 'Where does the person usually live?', and 'Name of each person who usually lives in this dwelling but was away on Tuesday, 10 August 2021?'

Occupied private dwellings containing family, group and lone person households

Household size
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households - Australia20212016Change
Number of persons usually residentNumber%New South Wales - First Nations %Number%New South Wales - First Nations %2016 to 2021
1 person54,73415.515.438,69214.713.9+16,042
2 person99,31528.228.571,54627.227.7+27,769
3 person68,66219.520.451,92519.720.7+16,737
4 person60,98717.317.846,56017.718.6+14,427
5 person36,08810.310.027,93910.610.5+8,149
6 or more persons32,2629.27.926,37910.08.6+5,883

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).

Household size, 2021
Household size, 2021 6 or more persons, New South Wales - First Nations: 7.9% 5 person, New South Wales - First Nations: 10.0% 4 person, New South Wales - First Nations: 17.8% 3 person, New South Wales - First Nations: 20.4% 2 person, New South Wales - First Nations: 28.5% 1 person, New South Wales - First Nations: 15.4% 6 or more persons, Australia - First Nations: 9.2% 5 person, Australia - First Nations: 10.3% 4 person, Australia - First Nations: 17.3% 3 person, Australia - First Nations: 19.5% 2 person, Australia - First Nations: 28.2% 1 person, Australia - First Nations: 15.5%
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing, 2021 (Enumerated data)
Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions).
Change in household size, 2016 to 2021
Change in household size, 2016 to 2021 6 or more persons, Australia: +5,883 5 person, Australia: +8,149 4 person, Australia: +14,427 3 person, Australia: +16,737 2 person, Australia: +27,769 1 person, Australia: +16,042
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing, 2016 and 2021 (Enumerated data)
Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions).

Dominant groups

Analysis of the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons usually resident in a household in Australia compared with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population households in New South Wales shows that there were a similar proportion of lone person households, and a higher proportion of larger households (those with 4 persons or more). Overall there were 15.5473% of lone person households, and 36.7385% of larger households, compared with 15.3681% and 35.703% respectively for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population households in New South Wales.

The major difference in between household size for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households of Australia and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population households of New South Wales] was:

  • A larger percentage of households with 6 or more persons usually resident (9.2% compared to 7.9%)

Emerging groups

The number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households in Australia increased by 89,007 between 2016 and 2021.

The largest changes in the number of persons usually resident in a household in Australia between 2016 and 2021 were:

  • 2 person households (+27,769 households)
  • 3 person households (+16,737 households)
  • 1 person households (+16,042 households)
  • 4 person households (+14,427 households)
