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Wollondilly Shire CouncilCommunity profile

Camden Park - Mount Hunter - Cawdor

Five year age groups

In 2021, the largest age group in Camden Park - Mount Hunter - Cawdor was 10 to 14 year olds. The group that changed the most since 2011 was 30 to 34 year olds, decreasing by 55 people.

The Age Structure of Camden Park - Mount Hunter - Cawdor provides key insights into the level of demand for age based services and facilities such as child care. It is also an indicator of Camden Park - Mount Hunter - Cawdor's residential role and function and how it is likely to change in the future.

Five year age groups present a classic age profile of the population. Each age group covers exactly five years, which enables direct comparison between each group.

To get a more complete picture Camden Park - Mount Hunter - Cawdor's Age Structure should be viewed in conjunction with Household Types and Dwelling Types.


Derived from the Census question:

'What is the person's date of birth or age?'

Age structure - Five year age groups
Camden Park - Mount Hunter - Cawdor - Total males (Usual residence)20212011Change
Five year age groups (years)Number%Macarthur Region %Number%Macarthur Region %2011 to 2021
0 to 41006.38.4967.27.9+3
5 to 91257.88.11229.27.8+2
10 to 141449.07.51128.47.9+32
15 to 191388.76.6987.48.1+39
20 to 24986.16.3775.87.1+21
25 to 29603.86.6745.66.6-15
30 to 34533.37.51088.16.4-55
35 to 39956.08.01188.97.0-24
40 to 441308.27.01279.66.8+2
45 to 491227.66.5876.56.9+35
50 to 541368.55.61007.56.8+36
55 to 59905.65.2745.66.1+16
60 to 641066.64.8544.15.5+51
65 to 69684.34.1382.93.6+29
70 to 74724.53.4211.62.3+50
75 to 79342.12.2100.81.5+23
80 to 84171.11.350.41.0+12
85 and over70.40.850.40.7+1
Total population1,595100.0100.01,337100.0100.0+258
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2011 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the male five year age groups of Camden Park - Mount Hunter - Cawdor in 2021 compared to Macarthur Region shows that there was a lower proportion of males in the younger age groups (under 15) and a higher proportion of males in the older age groups (65+).

Overall, 23.1% of the male population was aged between 0 and 15, and 12.4% were aged 65 years and over, compared with 24.0% and 11.8% respectively for Macarthur Region.

The major differences between the male age structure of Camden Park - Mount Hunter - Cawdor and Macarthur Region were:

  • A larger percentage of males aged 50 to 54 (8.5% compared to 5.6%)
  • A smaller percentage of males aged 30 to 34 (3.3% compared to 7.5%)
  • A smaller percentage of males aged 25 to 29 (3.8% compared to 6.6%)
  • A smaller percentage of males aged 0 to 4 (6.3% compared to 8.4%)

Emerging groups

From 2011 to 2021, Camden Park - Mount Hunter - Cawdor's male population increased by 258 people (19.3%). This represents an average annual population change of 1.78% per year over the period.

The largest changes in male age structure in this area between 2011 and 2021 were in the age groups:

  • 30 to 34 (-55 males)
  • 60 to 64 (+51 males)
  • 70 to 74 (+50 males)

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