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City of WhittleseaCommunity profile


Five year age groups

In 2021, the largest age group in Doreen was 35 to 39 year olds. The group that changed the most since 2016 was 45 to 49 year olds, increasing by 356 people.

The Age Structure of Doreen provides key insights into the level of demand for age based services and facilities such as child care. It is also an indicator of Doreen's residential role and function and how it is likely to change in the future.

Five year age groups present a classic age profile of the population. Each age group covers exactly five years, which enables direct comparison between each group.

To get a more complete picture Doreen's Age Structure should be viewed in conjunction with Household Types and Dwelling Types.


Derived from the Census question:

'What is the person's date of birth or age?'

Age structure - Five year age groups
Doreen - Total females (Usual residence)20212016Change
Five year age groups (years)Number%Thomastown %Number%Thomastown %2016 to 2021
0 to 41,1078.15.11,22111.35.8-114
5 to 91,3239.64.99849.15.2+339
10 to 141,1108.14.98047.45.3+306
15 to 198836.44.95965.54.9+287
20 to 246554.86.15665.26.4+89
25 to 297585.57.48618.07.9-103
30 to 341,2339.07.61,11310.37.6+120
35 to 391,39110.17.01,0379.66.5+354
40 to 441,2108.85.99098.45.4+301
45 to 491,0517.75.56956.45.8+356
50 to 547515.55.55214.85.9+230
55 to 595534.05.44173.96.4+136
60 to 645133.75.93843.66.2+129
65 to 694683.46.03493.26.4+119
70 to 743902.86.51991.85.1+191
75 to 792131.64.8620.64.5+151
80 to 84700.53.8500.53.1+20
85 and over480.32.9320.31.9+16
Total population13,727100.0100.010,800100.0100.0+2,927
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the female five year age groups of Doreen in 2021 compared to Thomastown shows that there was a higher proportion of females in the younger age groups (under 15) and a lower proportion of females in the older age groups (65+).

Overall, 25.8% of the female population was aged between 0 and 15, and 8.7% were aged 65 years and over, compared with 14.9% and 23.9% respectively for Thomastown.

The major differences between the female age structure of Doreen and Thomastown were:

  • A larger percentage of females aged 5 to 9 (9.6% compared to 4.9%)
  • A larger percentage of females aged 10 to 14 (8.1% compared to 4.9%)
  • A smaller percentage of females aged 70 to 74 (2.8% compared to 6.5%)
  • A smaller percentage of females aged 80 to 84 (0.5% compared to 3.8%)

Emerging groups

From 2016 to 2021, Doreen's female population increased by 2,927 people (27.1%). This represents an average annual population change of 4.91% per year over the period.

The largest changes in female age structure in this area between 2016 and 2021 were in the age groups:

  • 45 to 49 (+356 females)
  • 35 to 39 (+354 females)
  • 5 to 9 (+339 females)
  • 10 to 14 (+306 females)

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