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City of UnleyCommunity profile

Unley Ward

Housing loan quartiles

In Unley Ward, the 'highest group' was the largest quartile, comprising of 55% of households with mortgages in 2021.

Mortgage repayments in Unley Ward are directly related to house prices, length of occupancy and the level of equity of home owners. When viewed with Household Income data it may also indicate the level of housing stress in the community.

The quartile method is the most objective method of comparing change in the mortgage payment profile of a community over time.

A detailed explanation of how Housing Loan Repayment quartiles are calculated and interpreted is available in specific data notes.

Please note, interest rates at the 2021 Census were at a record low in Australia. The first interest rate rises by the Reserve Bank began an upward cycle from May 2022. Please use mortgage payment data with caution as data from the 2021 Census pre-dates all official rate rises in the current cycle.


Derived from the Census questions:

'How much does your household pay for this dwelling?' and 'Is this dwelling (owned outright, owned with a mortgage etc.)'

Housing loan quartiles
Unley Ward - Households (Enumerated)20212006Change
Loan repayment quartile groupNumber%Parkside Ward %Number%Parkside Ward %2006 to 2021
Lowest group10616.217.311415.514.6-8
Medium lowest8613.213.810614.416.5-20
Medium highest10515.918.016021.824.4-56
Highest group36054.750.935648.344.4+4
Total households with stated mortgage repayments659100.0100.0739100.0100.0-80
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2006 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information
Housing loan - Quartile group dollar ranges
Calculated from loan repayment data for South AustraliaMonthly housing loan repayments by Census year
Housing loan repayment ranges20212016201120062001
Lowest group$0 to $1,023$0 to $964$0 to $936$0 to $670$0 to $488
Medium lowest$1,024 to $1,499$965 to $1,470$937 to $1,478$671 to $1,038$489 to $701
Medium highest$1,500 to $2,073$1,471 to $2,051$1,479 to $2,094$1,039 to $1,477$702 to $966
Highest group$2,074 and over$2,052 and over$2,095 and over$1,478 and over$967 and over

Dominant groups

Housing loan repayment quartiles allow us to compare relative repayment liabilities across time. Analysis of the distribution of households by housing loan repayment quartiles in Unley Ward compared to Parkside Ward shows that there was a larger proportion of households in the highest repayment quartile, and a smaller proportion in the lowest repayment quartile.

Emerging groups

The total number of households with a mortgage in Unley Ward decreased by 739 between 2006 and 2021. The most significant change in Unley Ward during this period was in the medium highest quartile which showed a slight decrease of -56 households.

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