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City of OnkaparingaCommunity profile

Christie Downs

Population and dwellings


The Census usual resident population of Christie Downs in 2021 was 5,239, living in 2,537 dwellings with an average household size of 2.18.

There are a number of different ways of measuring the population of an area, all of which give an insight into the size of the place and its rate of growth over different time periods. The Census counts people where they are on the night of the Census (Enumerated population) and also by where they usually live (Usual residence). Both these populations are useful and form the basis for a range of characteristics collected in the Census.

However, the most accurate count of the total population is Estimated Resident Population, which factors in an estimate of those missed in the Census and those who were overseas on Census night. It is usually higher than either Census count, and is also updated annually after the Census, providing preliminary estimates for up to 5 years.

This page provides the three population counts for Christie Downs at the last Census, with comparisons to previous Census years for the Census counts only. The current estimate for Christie Downs at the most recent year available is shown at the top of the page. This figure is a preliminary estimate only and is subject to review after the next Census data are released. Please use with caution.

Also included are a range of sub-population groups and key statistics from the Census (Usual resident) population, such as citizens, employed persons and Indigenous population.

These figures all provide the context for the size of the population and growth rate within Christie Downs and should be looked at in conjunction with other basic demographic information, such as Age Structure, Dwelling Type and Household Size.

The data on this page are sourced from a variety of different tables and designed to give a range of population and dwelling numbers for the area.

Christie Downs - Total persons20212006Change
PopulationNumber%Central North District %Number%Central North District %2006 to 2021
Estimated Resident Population5,297------------
Enumerated Population5,200----4,919----+281
Usual Resident Population5,239----4,975----+264
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2006 and 2021. Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information
Selected subpopulation categories
Christie Downs - Total people (Enumerated)20212006Change
Population groupNumber%Central North District %Number%Central North District %2006 to 2021
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population2935.62.71362.81.5+157
Australian citizens4,34683.690.04,21385.688.5+133
Eligible voters (citizens aged 18+)3,42365.870.93,26266.366.2+161
Population over 154,29982.782.84,07082.779.9+229
Employed Population0----1,69389.792.7-1,693
Overseas visitors (enumerated)7----12-----5
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2006 and 2021 (Enumerated). Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information
Christie Downs - Households (Enumerated)20212006Change
DwellingsNumber%Central North District %Number%Central North District %2006 to 2021
Total dwellings2,537100.0100.02,315100.0100.0+222
Occupied private dwellings2,32991.894.52,17694.094.7+153
Population in non-private dwellings121----117----+4
Average household size (persons per dwelling)2.18--2.302.21--2.43-0.03
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2006 and 2021 (Enumerated). Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

*Note that this is an estimate based on ERP at the SA1 level. It is subject to review after the next Census data release and may not match .id's population forecasts.

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