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Mornington Peninsula ShireCommunity profile

Balnarring - Balnarring Beach - Merricks - Merricks Beach - Somers

Number of cars per household


Analysis of car ownership in 2021, indicates 65% of households in Balnarring - Balnarring Beach - Merricks - Merricks Beach - Somers had access to two or more motor vehicles, compared to 62% in Briars Ward.

The ability of the population to access services and employment is strongly influenced by access to transport. The number of motor vehicles per household in Balnarring - Balnarring Beach - Merricks - Merricks Beach - Somers quantifies access to private transport and will be influenced by Age Structure and Household Type, which determine the number of adults present; access to Public Transport; distance to shops, services, employment and education; and Household Income. Depending on these factors, car ownership can be seen as a measure of advantage or disadvantage, or a neutral socio-economic measure, which impacts on the environment and quality of life.


Derived from the Census question:

'How many registered motor vehicles owned or used by residents of this dwelling were garaged or parked at or near this dwelling on the night of 10 August 2021?'

Car ownership
Balnarring - Balnarring Beach - Merricks - Merricks Beach - Somers - Households (Enumerated)20211991Change
Number of carsNumber%Briars Ward %Number%Briars Ward %1991 to 2021
No motor vehicles241.23.5423.7---18
1 motor vehicle57027.931.144839.4--+121
2 motor vehicles86742.441.948142.3--+385
3 or more motor vehicles46122.520.215213.4--+309
Not stated1246.13.4131.2--+110
Total households2,046100.0100.01,138100.0--+907
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 1991 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the car ownership of the households in Balnarring - Balnarring Beach - Merricks - Merricks Beach - Somers in 2021 compared to Briars Ward shows that 92.8% of the households owned at least one car, while 1.2% did not, compared with 93.1% and 3.5% respectively in Briars Ward.

Of those that owned at least one vehicle, there was a smaller proportion who owned just one car; a similar proportion who owned two cars; and a larger proportion who owned three cars or more.

Overall, 27.9% of the households owned one car; 42.4% owned two cars; and 22.5% owned three cars or more, compared with 31.1%; 41.9% and 20.2% respectively for Briars Ward.

Emerging groups

The largest changes in the household car ownership in Balnarring - Balnarring Beach - Merricks - Merricks Beach - Somers between 1991 and 2021 were:

  • 2 motor vehicles (+385 households)
  • 3 or more motor vehicles (+309 households)
  • 1 motor vehicle (+121 households)

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