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Mornington Peninsula ShireCommunity profile

In 2021, 15.1% of people in Cerberus Ward were born overseas, compared with 15.1% in Somerville.

Country of Birth data identifies where people were born and is indicative of the level of cultural diversity in Cerberus Ward. The mix of Country of Birth groups is also indicative of historical settlement patterns, as source countries for Australia's immigration program have varied significantly over time.

To get a more complete picture of cultural and ethnic characteristics, Cerberus Ward's Country of Birth data should be viewed together with Ancestry, Language Spoken at Home and Religion.

Please note: Due to changes in ABS rules around perturbation and additivity of data to protect the confidentiality of individuals, counts of individual birthplace groups and totals derived from them may differ slightly from those published by the ABS. For more information see notes on data confidentiality.


Derived from the Census question:

'In which country was the person born?'

Birthplace - Summary
Cerberus Ward - Total persons (Usual residence)20212016Change
BirthplaceNumber%Somerville %Number%Somerville %2016 to 2021
Total overseas born2,97415.115.12,64414.414.8+331
Not stated1,1846.03.41,3437.35.9-159
Total Population19,686100.0100.018,331100.0100.0+1,355
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information
Birthplace - Ranked by size
Cerberus Ward - Overseas born (Usual residence)20212016Change
BirthplaceNumber%Somerville %Number%Somerville %2016 to 2021
United Kingdom1,5037.68.21,3967.68.4+108
New Zealand2781.41.22321.31.3+46
South Africa530.30.4360.20.3+17
United States of America450.20.2330.20.1+12
Show all (26 entries)

Excludes countries of birth with fewer than 10 people.

Dominant groups

Analysis of the country of birth of the population in Cerberus Ward in 2021 compared to Somerville shows that there was a similar proportion of people born overseas.

Overall, 15.1% of the population was born overseas, compared with 15.1% for Somerville.

There were no major differences between Cerberus Ward and Somerville in 2021.

Emerging groups

Between 2016 and 2021, the number of people born overseas increased by 330 or 12.5%.

The largest change in birthplace countries of the population in this area between 2016 and 2021 was for those born in:

  • United Kingdom (+108 persons)

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