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Hobsons Bay CityCommunity profile


Highest level of schooling

In Laverton, 58.7% of females aged over 15 years had completed Year 12 schooling (or equivalent) as of 2021. This was less than Greater Melbourne.

Laverton's school completion data is a useful indicator of socio-economic status. With other indicators, such as Proficiency in English, the data informs planners and decision-makers about people's ability to access services. Combined with Educational Qualifications it also allows assessment of the skill base of the population.

Learn more about planning education provision here.


Derived from the Census question:

'What is the highest year of primary or secondary school the person has completed?'

Highest level of secondary schooling completed
Laverton - Total females (Usual residence)20212016Change
Level of schoolingNumber%Greater Melbourne %Number%Greater Melbourne %2016 to 2021
Year 8 or below1005.44.81588.55.7-58
Year 9 or equivalent1206.44.31045.64.7+16
Year 10 or equivalent1779.59.523212.410.6-55
Year 11 or equivalent1467.89.01739.39.7-27
Year 12 or equivalent1,09458.765.594750.760.3+147
Did not go to school633.41.7532.81.5+10
Not stated1638.75.320110.87.5-38
Total persons aged 15+1,863100.0100.01,868100.0100.0-5
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the highest level of schooling attained by the female population in Laverton in 2021 compared to Greater Melbourne shows that there was a higher proportion of females who had left school at an early level (Year 10 or less) and a lower proportion of females who completed Year 12 or equivalent.

Overall, 24.7% of the female population left school at Year 10 or below, and 58.7% went on to complete Year 12 or equivalent, compared with 20.3% and 65.5% respectively for Greater Melbourne.

The major differences between the level of schooling attained by the female population in Laverton and Greater Melbourne were:

  • A larger percentage of females who completed year 9 or equivalent (6.4% compared to 4.3%)
  • A larger percentage of females who did not go to school (3.4% compared to 1.7%)
  • A smaller percentage of females who completed year 12 or equivalent (58.7% compared to 65.5%)
  • A smaller percentage of females who completed year 11 or equivalent (7.8% compared to 9.0%)

Emerging groups

The largest changes in the level of schooling attained by the female population in Laverton, between 2016 and 2021 were:

  • Year 12 or equivalent (+147 females)
  • Year 8 or below (-58 females)
  • Year 10 or equivalent (-55 females)

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