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Central Coast NSWCommunity profile

Gosford - West Gosford

Volunteer work


In Gosford - West Gosford 9.5% of the population reported doing some form of voluntary work in 2021. This was a smaller proportion than Lisarow - Mount Elliot.

The voluntary work sector is an important part of Australia's economy. The level of volunteering can indicate the cohesiveness of the community and how readily individuals are able to contribute to that community. Factors impacting on the level of volunteering in Gosford - West Gosford include the Age Structure of the population, the level of Proficiency in English, Income and Education levels.

Volunteer numbers for the 2021 Census declined in many parts of Australia due to lockdowns and COVID-19 distancing measures.


Derived from the Census question:

'In the last twelve months did the person spend any time doing voluntary work through an organisation or group?'

Volunteer work
Gosford - West Gosford - Persons aged 15+ (Usual residence)20212016Change
Volunteer statusNumber%Lisarow - Mount Elliot %Number%Lisarow - Mount Elliot %2016 to 2021
Not a volunteer4,71982.582.13,26276.375.1+1,457
Volunteer work not stated4598.02.444510.43.9+14
Total persons aged 15+5,723100.0100.04,277100.0100.0+1,446
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the voluntary work performed by the population in Gosford - West Gosford in 2021 compared to Lisarow - Mount Elliot shows that there was a lower proportion of people who volunteered for an organisation or group.

Overall, 9.5% of the population reported performing voluntary work, compared with 15.5% for Lisarow - Mount Elliot.

Emerging groups

The number of volunteers in Gosford - West Gosford decreased by 25 people between 2016 and 2021.

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