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Central Coast NSWCommunity profile

Warnervale - Wadalba District

Household income


In the Warnervale - Wadalba District, 23.5% of households earned an income of $3,000 or more per week in 2021.

Households form the common 'economic unit' in our society. the Warnervale - Wadalba District's Household Income is one of the most important indicators of socio-economic status. With other data sources, such as Qualifications and Occupation, it helps to reveal the economic opportunities and socio-economic status of the Warnervale - Wadalba District. It is important to note that income data is not necessarily a measure of wealth. For example, if an area has a large number of retirees this will produce a higher proportion of households with low income but the retirees may have large capital wealth. For this reason, household income should be viewed in conjunction with Age and Household Composition.

The incomes presented on this page are for the latest Census year only. For comparison of incomes over time, go to Household Income Quartiles.

Learn more about the characteristics of low-income households here.


Derived from the Census question:

'What is the total of all wages/salaries, government benefits, pensions, allowances and other income the person usually receives?'

Weekly household income
Warnervale - Wadalba District - Total households (Enumerated)2021
Weekly incomeNumber%Mountains District %
Neg/Nil Income911.42.9
$1 - $149250.40.6
$150 - $299430.71.6
$300 - $399811.31.8
$400 - $4992734.34.8
$500 - $6492103.34.8
$650 - $7993816.05.1
$800 - $9993165.05.8
$1,000 - $1,2493705.87.8
$1,250 - $1,4993886.16.9
$1,500 - $1,7493405.44.8
$1,750 - $1,9994146.55.4
$2,000 - $2,49981512.99.4
$2,500 - $2,999 67910.77.1
$3,000 - $3,4995448.65.9
$3,500 - $3,9993225.12.6
$4,000 - $4,4991822.92.3
$4,500 - $4,9992203.53.7
$5,000 - $5,9991542.43.1
$6,000 - $7,999560.93.6
$8,000 or more130.21.8
Not stated4216.68.1
Total households6,338100.0100.0
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2021. Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of household income levels in the Warnervale - Wadalba District in 2021 compared to the Mountains District shows that there was a similar proportion of high income households (those earning $3,000 per week or more) and a lower proportion of low income households (those earning less than $800 per week).

Overall, 23.5% of the households earned a high income and 17.4% were low income households, compared with 23.1% and 21.6% respectively for the Mountains District.

The major differences between the household incomes of the Warnervale - Wadalba District and the Mountains District were:

  • A larger percentage of households who earned $2,500 - $2,999 (10.7% compared to 7.1%)
  • A larger percentage of households who earned $2,000 - $2,499 (12.9% compared to 9.4%)
  • A larger percentage of households who earned $3,000 - $3,499 (8.6% compared to 5.9%)
  • A smaller percentage of households who earned $6,000 - $7,999 (0.9% compared to 3.6%)

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